
The Forum now has an annual programme of events. These include regular prayer gatherings, teaching conferences and seminars. The dates and details for our forthcoming events show on our Events Calendar on the right-hand side of the web page. Click on the event for full information

The prayer gathering events are designed to bring members, friends and colleagues together to pray for the regional economy, our own businesses and matters of the moment.  The Forum hold these events throughout the year and across the region

The 'Seminars and Workshops' link offers more information on our Mentoring Programme, Micro Financing and Business Training.

The IFB 2014 link takes you to the library of Thoughts for the Day that are being read out at the daily Prayer meetings that the Forum is holding during the International Festival of Business being held in Liverpool during June and July 2014.

Other events will be undertaken in due course to teach and encourage our understanding and application of God's plan for activating His Kingdom in the business world of today.

There will be an account of each event that we hold, a mixture of written and filmed report. These will be posted below.